Thursday, July 24, 2008

Txt Speak

In a text message (txt mssg) certain SMS abbreviations are used. Like any vernacular these expressions can change from locale to locale and even from friend group to friend group. Some txtrs prefer to spell out complete words; others use as many abbreviations as possible to save time and effort. Still others txt their thumbs off, using both abbreviations and full words depending on the speed necessary for sending a specific message.

There are two forms of input when txting, manual input (using the letter keys, thus 2 would be ABC, so forth) or iTap, a program that guesses which word you are going to use and inputs it automatically, after you enter the first few characters. I personally prefer manual input, just because the words I sometimes use in a txt mssg are not readily found in iTap but it is strictly up to the user.

Some phones, such as the Nokia 9500, the Samsung Glyde and, of course the iPhone have a full keyboard built in, good for the gadget loving and awesome for those that need a keyboard to type anything.

Txt speak utilizes numbers and symbols to rapidly say what needs to be said. Emoticons such as :) and :( :p :D and ;) are widely used. Numbers also replace parts of words, especially 2, 4, and 8.

For instance:
Im going 2b 2 l8t 4 movie
(I’m going to be too late for the movie)

L8t, L8tr, Gr8, Gr8tr, sk8, sk8tr, all are used.

Abbreviations are also used; many are unique to certain groups.
My friends use OMW a lot, which means “on my way”. I haven’t seen this outside my certain friends group.

IDK means “I don’t know” BRB means “Be right back” LMN means “Let me know” MVT means “Movie times”

To purport more of something x2 and up can be used, or x someone of note, or at least notoriety. For instance “xchucknorris” So, it could be “movie rcked xchucknorris!”

Use any abbreviation once and your friends will learn it, and you might even become “famous” for starting something! Leave a letter out if you can do without it, 4nstance…
Just have fun with it!
Next time I am going to look at SMS or "txt" speak and see what language barriers it is transcending...

But in the meantime, happy txting!


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